Enter the Hash and Download the Verifiable Credentials

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    NUCES BLOCKED, A platform to empower students after graduating by highlighting their Student degree with extracurricular activities in an immutable trustworthy system that companies and students can utilize with minimum effort.


    • Admin deploys student results and certificates in an immutable ledger on Blockchain.

    Academic Profile

    • Teacher, Society Heads, and Career Counselor mange the academic profiles of students.


    • Company and organization can easily verify student credential using hash.


    There are basic six features....
    Manage Users
    Allow the user to manage the profiles of teachers, career counselors, and society heads.
    Manage Students
    Allow the user to manage the student information. This will include adding, removing, and updating student information.
    Manage Semester Result
    Allow the user to manage the semester results of students. This will include adding, removing, uploading, and down- loading results
    Manage Student Degree
    Allow the user to manage the certificates of students. This will include adding, removing, and uploading certificates.
    Manage Academic Profile
    Allow the user to manage the academic profiles of students. This will include adding, removing, and updating academic profiles.
    Download Student Degree
    User will be able to download the certificate anytime and anywhere on an internet connection.